Creative Piano Method - Level 1

In this short course you discover the magic of creating beautiful music using HARMONY OF THIRDS. you will discover an intuitive way to play the piano.

Course Summary

Creative Piano Level 1 is an Introductory short course which teaches you the simple concept of harmonies. Harmony is the relationship between different  musical pitches with each other. To understand the concept of haronies will make you play beautiful tunes on the piano imprompt without having to think too much into it.

In this course you will learn:
- Piano Basics
- 3rd Harmony
- 5th Harmony
- Block Piano Pattern
- Broken Piano Pattern

Course Curriculum

Joel Dave

Faustin D'rozario

Joel is an inspiring music teacher. He is very innovative in his teaching methods. It's a privilege to learn from him.

Course Pricing

Course Access

2000 INR

  • Harmony & Creativity

    • - Piano Basics
    • - 3rd Harmony
    • - 5th Harmony
    • - Block Piano Pattern
    • - Broken Piano Pattern
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Course Access

8000 INR

  • Harmony & Creativity

    • Four private Lesson/Q&A with Joel
    • - Piano Basics
    • - 3rd Harmony
    • - 5th Harmony
    • - Block Piano Pattern
    • - Broken Piano Pattern
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